
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Another cultural experience for Teach me Tuesday!

We had another great teach me Tuesday today. Both Seraphima and Madison taught us about a special aspect of their cultures. First up was Madison. She showed us a rhinoceros made out beads and wire. Next we had the challenge to make our very own key chain or paper clip bead art. It was quite difficult and challenging, but they looked great!

Next we had lesson from Seraphima about the ancient egyptian mumification process. She also showed us a video to illustrate the process further. Then the fun began. We were all given a roll of toilet paper and we had to mumify one of our classmates. It was hilarious! Here are some photos showing our cultural experiences. Thanks Seraphima and Madison!


  1. What a fun teach me Tuesday. I love the bead art that Taylor made me. :)

  2. Seraphima- That was so much fun! I learnt so many interesting facts! Great job!

    Madison-That bead art was so cool! I had so much fun decorating the paperclips! Great job!

  3. LEANNE- I Ioved teach me tuesday this week it was so much fun
    i liked the bead art from madison and learning the mumifacatin from seraphima
    it was so cool

  4. What a fun teach me tuesday !

    Jennifer and Felicia and Feifei and Bella

  5. wow seraphima dont mummiefi me by amy


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