
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Teach me Tuesday

On Tuesday we had our last Teach me Tuesday for the year. Ruben, aka Shark expert taught us all about sharks. He also asked us questions and gave out shark sticker prizes to the winners.

Did you know that there is a shark called a cookie cutter shark? 

Did you know that the male great white shark is much smaller than the female great white? 

Thank Ruben, we learnt a lot about your favourite marine animal. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Movement Immersion

This term our Inquiry concept is Movement. In the Skyscrapers community we will be learning about circus movement. 

On Wednesday we had a really fun Science Immersion where we made discoveries and wonderings about forces and motion through participating in a number of forces science experiments. 
Here we are trying to defy gravity and exploring kinetic energy.

Johnny Danger Trailer

Johnny Danger 2 trailer

Johnny Danger 3 release video

Peter Millett on WBTV

Peter Millett on Studio 3

Another pep talk from Kid president.

Kid president- 20 things you should say!