
Monday, February 27, 2017

Marshmallow Challenge

Yesterday Room 13 took part in the Marshmallow Challenge. We had to create a freestanding structure that would hold a marshmallow. We were only allowed 20 spaghetti sticks, 1metre of string, 1 metre of tape and a marshmallow.  We only had 18 minutes. We had to work collaboratively to be successful.  The winning team managed to build a 46cm structure. Well done everyone.

Maori Greetings

We're now known as Dynamic Dragons!

After a 3 week process we've come up with a name that represents our community. Congratulations to Olivia's Inquiry group who came up with our winning name: "The Dymanic Dragons". Here's the slide show we used to announce our name to the school:
Name reveal slideshow

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Fantastic Football

On Wednesday on this week (wk 4), Room 13 had a great football session run by two people from 'Football for Children'. We took part in football matches and practised our goal shooting skills.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Big Feet Maths Investigations

We have been investigating the size of Room 13's feet.
Some of us explored the comparison between peoples foot size and their height, others explored the differences between people's foot size and their gender.
Here are some short videos, showing you our results.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Digital Citizenship Memes

We have been learning about Digital Citizenship. We have made some memes about being a 
good digital citizen. 
When you are online, make sure you stick to our memes.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Community Assembly

Today we had our first community assembly. Room 13 led the other classes in a great assembly with singing sharing and certificates. It was fun to be together. Here's a photo of our first certificate recipients.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

What an awesome bunch!

Here we are at the beginning of Term One- don't we look like a great bunch!!

Welcome to Room 13, 2017!

Hi and welcome to Room 13 at UHPS.

I'm looking forward to this blog becoming everyone's place to share our learning journey. There will be plenty of stories and posts about our learning this year, and you can also link to some cool games and resources too. 
Make sure you get you family to comment on our learning and follow our blog too!

Johnny Danger Trailer

Johnny Danger 2 trailer

Johnny Danger 3 release video

Peter Millett on WBTV

Peter Millett on Studio 3

Another pep talk from Kid president.

Kid president- 20 things you should say!