
Friday, August 14, 2015

And the winner is....

Yesterday Mrs Millett and Mr Millett went to government house in Wellington (where the Govenor General lives!) to take part in the NZ Book Awards. 

Peter's book "The Anzac Puppy" had been nominated by kids all around New Zealand for "Picture book of the year!" 
When it came to the Children's choice- Picture book section Mrs Millett sat with baited breath, and then the announcer said... and the winner is... Peter Millett! 

Thanks to all children and families who supported Peter and his books this year! Very exciting! 

Here are the winners of all catergories in the NZ Book awards this year.


  1. I am very happy for you peter millett

    Micaela Flynn RM 13

  2. I can see Desna Wallace dere haha lol ��
    Congratulations to Peter Millett too!
    (Of course) #Desnawallace~Levi

  3. Well done Mr Millett

    Felicia Jennifer

  4. Hi Mr Millett
    Congratulations on winning the book award! You must be so proud that all your hard work has paid off. Room 16 are now looking forward to reading The Anzac Puppy and we are looking forward to writing our own stories later this term.
    From Elliyah, Chelsea, Eden, Abby and Room 16


We love comments. We check all of our comments on comment Friday. Please remember to write your name on your comments. Thanks:)

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