
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Team assembly this week

Room 16 led our team assembly this week. We all learnt some actions to a UHPS waiata, "Tu Tira mai". They also showed us their awesome Koru pattern artworks.

We then listened to some fantastic writing about our Skyscrapers trip. 

Room 16  did a great job leading the assembly. KA PAI Room 16!

Room 13 and 15 also shared some of their learning too. 
Team assemblies are great times to get together, and Mr. Clark's pretty nifty on the guitar too!!


  1. Well done room16. It was a fantastic team assembly.

  2. Hi Skyscrapers, looks like heaps of cool learning is happening in your block. The Koru art work looks amazing. From Room 20

  3. Hi Room 13
    Thanks for putting the pictures on your blog and writing those nice comments. We also enjoyed hearing your writing and seeing your great art. We really enjoyed doing the Koru designs and we worked really hard writing our recounts.

    From GJ, Amber, Jessica, Isabelle and Room16

  4. There was some really good poems and beautiful illustrations! From Robyn

  5. That was a really fun assembly and I got a certificate from Emily.

  6. I Love all of the Koru art. It looks so cool. Grace

  7. That was a fun assembly Room 16 From Gina .

  8. That is great koru art Rm 16, looking forward for another team assembly.

  9. That was a fun assembly and I really love the koru art.
    ~From Marina L

  10. wow Room 16 those storeys are wicked and by the way your onomatopoeia song is really cool.
    By Chloe Room 13


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