
Monday, March 23, 2015

Teach me Tuesday Week 8

We love Teach me Tuesday- and today was no exception! 

We began with Rohan who taught us how to cook a simple but delicious pork and noodle stir fry. 
Our mouths were watering and everyone enjoyed eating the great dish!

Thanks Rohan.

Next, Amy showed us how to scare unsuspecting friends by creating fake blood with food colouring and dishwashing liquid. 

Next she impressed us with pretty cool science experiments including a moving milk and a coke and mentos experiment.

Teach Me Tuesday starts again in Term 2!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much Amy and Rohan. The cooking was amazing and the science experiments were totally awesome. I especially enjoyed watching all of the fascinating videos of people doing the coke and mentos experiment on youtube. it is so amazing how the coke reacts to the rough edge of the mentos causing it to create a fountain of coke. They were awesome and I can't wait until next term when we kick off the next Teach Me Tuesday!
    From Bob (Brydie)


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