
Monday, August 4, 2014

Barbara Kendall visits UHPS!

Yesterday we were really lucky to have Barbara Kendall visit us to talk about her life and experiences as a NZ and world champion in her sport- Wind Surfing. She showed us some really cool videos of her competing and told some interesting stories about her experiences at sporting events including the Olympic games. 

She also showed us her Olympic medals and the olympic torch that she carried in London in 2012. It was a very inspirational talk. 

Thanks to the ANZ bank for organising for Barbara to come and talk to us.


  1. It was really fun to have Barbara Kendall show us all her medals she got at the Olympics, and have 1 out of 2 real Olympic torches out of the whole of New Zealand.
    From Marina

  2. Thanks Barbara Kendall, it was a very inspiring talk.
    From Nicole

  3. It was so cool to have Barbara Kendall come to our school. It was very inspiring to have her talk about setting and achieving goals. Grace

  4. Thanks Barbara Kendall for teaching us how long it takes to practice [8 years wow]. Gina

  5. thanks you barbara kendall for telling us about how you became a sailer from neha

  6. Thank you Barbra Kendall that was so inspirational talk.Robyn


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