
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Term 1 is nearly over!

We're reaching the end of our first term in Room 13. At the end of the term it's good to reflect back on what we have learned and think about our highlights and next steps in our learning. 
Today we used writing prompts to think about and reflect on our learning this term. Here are a few of our reflections.

TERM ONE 2014- By Neha C

I really liked:  My statistics survey that is about what clubs we would like in the Skyscrapers community.

I wish I had: done twice as much art as we did and we did a lot!    

I still need to work on: Building my vocabulary and correcting my spelling words.

Something I learnt and now understand: My statistics - creating and interpreting graphs.

I'm most proud of: My writing about the pink panther jewel, (most things didn't even happen it was all in my mind.)

A tricky part was: Working with fractions- that’s what I probably need to work on.

Next term I need to: work on my fractions

I could teach others about: Art.

Reflecting on term 1
- By Saahil C

I really liked: doing my statistics survey and my poetry.

I wish I had learnt: about technology this term or next term.

I still need to work on: recalling my basic facts faster and my division faster.

Something I learnt/now understand: was not to cut something and leave it on the floor. I now understand not to do it because it leaves a mess on the floor.

I am most proud of: my statistics survey, my poetry, my self portrait and my nature trail writing and Teach me Tuesday.

A tricky part was: trying to complete the 5 minute frenzy in under five minutes.

Next term I need to: work on getting my work done faster.
I could teach others: about .P.E.


  1. It looks like everyone enjoyed doing the statistics survey.
    From Marina

  2. Great Job Saahil and Neha. It seems like the statistics survey project was a lot of fun.

  3. I'm sad term 1 is almost over. I've had so much fun. Grace :-)


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