
Monday, May 8, 2017

Anzac poppies and poems

In Room 13 we have been remembering the soldiers who fought for our freedom in the First and Second World wars. We read a famous poem called 'Flanders field' written by Lit Col John McRae. Then we created some poppy art using chalk and oil pastels. We tried make the background of our art gloomy and then drew a poppy growing out of the gloom. We then wrote poems based on a symbol of Anzac day. Here are two poems and a movie showing our art.

Poppies: By Jake B
As I see in front of me
I see poppies waving happily and free,
I feel sorry for all those dead men
they gave up their lives for our freedom,
As I see all of those crosses
they remind me of what they gave up,
Now they can rest in peace 
as ruby red poppies surround them.
Thank you brave men!

Soldiers: By Grace C
The ones who risked their lives
they fought day by day
over and over.
They hid in the grimy trenches
serving for our countries,
protecting the people.
They lay flat on the mud
thousands of soldiers lay.
Today fields of poppies stand bright and tall
They did us proud. We will remember them. 

1 comment:

  1. Great work on your pomes Grace and Jake
    really enjoyed reading them
    Jayden P


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