
Thursday, June 12, 2014

Zoo animal recounts

We had such a great time at the zoo. Here are some recounts about the event. See if you can spot our deliberate language choices in our writing.

The Spider Monkeys and Gibbons- By Ruben

Ohhh... the spider monkeys,
Whoosh the spider monkeys were swinging around and around joyfully. They looked like a kangaroo with a sugar rush.The spider monkeys fur looked like a bunch of soft furry dog hair .

I felt happy when I saw the spider monkeys were laughing with joy on their faces.There were so many I could fall over counting all of them.Their tails was long, furry and flexible.

Suddenly, the gibbons started making loud noises using their balloon like voice boxes.The teeth of the gibbons looked sharp and scary. The gibbons looked like Mr twit with his hairy body.

The Cuddly Red Panda- By Millie C

Their soft silky fur was shining in the sun and there eyes were gazing at me.  At first I wanted to take him home because he looked so chubby and cute.  But I knew I couldn’t take him home with me.  He was moving quite fast around the tree, as if he was a spy sneaking around the streets, trying to find the baddy.  He stared at me like a statue then he vanished to another branch to meet his buddy once again.  Soon we had to go, the sun shined on me. I was sad we had to go.

The Pink Butted Monkeys- By Robyn P
Swish, Swish, Swish my feet glided on the smooth path. I opened eyes and saw a rose pink bottom that looked as if it had been
smacked really hard.
A glimpse  of those monkeys teeth and you’d think you are their   prey. But I knew that they could not reach me in distance , although I felt quite scared . As if I knew that they were going to leap over their enclosure and bite me with their threatening teeth.
The baby baboon leaped up to his or her mothers paranoid arms I actually felt more sorry for the mother than the poor little baby baboon who only wanted attention. Just then the mother accidentally pushed her baby and she slipped and fell now I felt more sorry for the baby.
Tweet , tweet, tweet the peaceful little birds sang while they passed my ear. I wondered where they were going in such a rush. 
I decided to follow the littlest bird but I could not run as fast as she could fly. But she was too fast , oh well It was so close to see where she was going.
The baboons yelled in a medium voice. It was kind of freaky. I felt like they were going to leap out again. It was like that scared feeling all over again. "Robyn!" someone yelled. I sadly knew that it was time to go. 
"Bye bye", I whispered  softly.
"Ekk" a baboon whispered as if  he was saying goodbye too.

SunBathing Ottaz
By Daniel M

SPLASH! I heard. 
The fancy otters were diving into the water. While I watched, one otter was chewing the jiggly meat. 
Another otter was sunbathing and twisting and turning. It was funny though they looked joyful. A really funny otter was peeing like a waterfall and it made Saahil and me and laugh.
For a few minutes a stinky fish smell appeared. I thought  Saahil farted but it wasn't him. I asked Saahil if he farted but he shouted NOPE!


  1. Wow great writing. The zoo really was fun. I can see why you wrote about those animals
    From Marina

  2. Nice recounts guys. They are very descriptive and funny! Jaime. I really like your writing- you have a good sense of humour Daniel and Robyn.

  3. I liked all the writing.Although I wish I could go and touch the soft silky fur of those red pandas Robyn

  4. Great writing Millie. I really enjoyed the part when you said it was moving around like a spy trying to catch the baddy.


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