
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Terrifying blind walking

Last Wednesday Mrs Millett suggested that we participate in a blind walk to inspire our writing. We took turns to lead our buddy on a blind walk around the playground. Some leaders were very kind and helped us negotiate around the playground without bumping into things. Other leaders were not so kind and lead us up ladders and down the rope wall...all with our eyes closed. Here are three recounts about the event.

The Swirling Blackness- By Nicole
"Now take a big step up", instructed Lukas's amused voice. Swirling blackness surrounded me. My brain was whizzing around trying to locate where I was. I gripped the strong ropes which led me to another platform. I shuffled my feet and waved my arms wildly to hep me adventure around the evil playground.
Classmates were talking. It sounded very far away from me. I felt small and scared like a baby mouse. I wasn't too sure that I trusted Lukas.
The whistle blew. "At last!" I muttered. My eyes flicked open. I was so glad that I could see again.

The Blind walk- By Alvin
"WOAH" as I walked down the playground platform. We were doing a classroom activity which I thought was not fun, "BONK" went the sound of my head banging against the bridge.
" Don't tell me to do stupid things!" I yelled angrily at Ruben. 
"Okay, okay" Ruben replied in a silly voice. 
Finally the horrible tragedy of the evil commander was over. It was time for me to be the evil leader it was such fun having a slave at my command. 

The Blind walk- By Emily

Pitch blackness. Right behind me is Amie amazingly leading me on an awesome yet absolutely terrifying journey called the blind walk. An explosion of feelings crept up inside me when Amie suddenly said, "OK, we're starting!"

I slowly walked forward drowning in the voices of the other people shouting, "Left, right, stop and go!"
Tiny dots of light filled my eyes with light pictures. In a few minutes Amie led me around the playground. I stopped. "Are we done yet?" I squealed quietly.
"I think in a few more minutes..."
"OK everyone in the classroom!" Mrs Millett loudly shouted.


  1. What amazing writing Alvin, Nicole and Emily. I can really feel your pain! Thanks for sharing. Mrs M

  2. Great descriptive pieces of writing! It makes me glad I still have my eyesight!
    Susan (Nicole's Mum)

  3. WOW!!! Emily, Alvin and Nicole those are three exceptional pieces of writing well don.
    Maia Room 13

  4. I really liked the language feature Alvin, Emily and Nicole. It felt a little bit pain ful when it said Bonk!. From Sunghyun

  5. Wow! I love your writing! It's so cool! Grace

  6. It was so fun writing great job everyone else from Emily.

  7. VERY good writing



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