
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Cross Country at UHPS!

Yes it's that time again. On Wednesday we headed off across the boggy field after lunch for our annual Cross country event. Spirits were high, and we were keen to show everyone how much stamina we had developed over the last few weeks of training. 
It was a challenging run, and Room 20 students were impressive both in their attitude and in their placings too.
Well done Liam for coming 1st in the 9 year old boys, Nicole and Tyler for coming 2nd in the 9 year old girls and 10/11 year old girls respectively. 
Also, congratulations to Harrison and Kieran for your 3rd and 4th placings in the 10/11 year old boys!! Great running and fitness training everyone. 
Thanks to Vasti, Lauren, Liam and Kieran for leading the 5 and 6 year old children around their tracks. You were awesome leaders!!!


  1. Good job everyone, you all did very well!!
    Jade and Mackenzie

  2. Well done room 20 for completing the cross country. Good luck for those who are representing the school at Coatesville Primary. Lets hope you have another fine day!

    Kara Lough

  3. Well done to everyone for trying very hard! Hope you all feel much fitter from all the training!
    Susan (Nicole's Mum):)

  4. well done everyone it's good to get out once in a while to keep fit! from Kieran,
    Carol and Robert.


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