
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Our Trailblazer logo becomes a banner!

In Room 20 we have been creating logos and slogans to represent our trailblazer community. We had a competition to create these and after voting decided that Tamzin's logo with a big letter T trail and blazing base fitted the concept perfectly. We still needed a slogan and chose Nicole's "Blazing the trail of learning together". Next, Tamzin and Nicole drafted their design on a huge banner. All that was left to do was to paint it. Which a group of girls did.

Here are photos of our banner and those that helped create it.


  1. What a wonderful banner you have created! The name Trailblazers is awesome and hope you all have a year that is burning with learning!! Well done ;D Mrs Yong

  2. Hi Room 20,
    We love your new logo and team name! I really represents you as a community well!!! :)
    You have worked hard on your TRAIL BLAZER Banner! We are startled.
    From Liv and Jade In room 8

  3. Wow the banner looks fabulous - Great Team Work Room 20!
    Jade D's Mum - Tracey

  4. I loved the design i wish i was good at drawing at creating things like you Nicole and Tamzin. Well Done!
    Jade D

  5. Wow! The banner is awsome you guys must have done a lot of team work!
    Epic Eunchae

  6. Very professional. You all have a future as sign writers!

    Kara Lough

  7. Awesome banner guys

    from Ashlee in room 2

  8. love all your good and great work on your great blog love Ashlee in room 2


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