
Monday, February 23, 2015

Teach me Tuesday begins in Room 13!

During the Student mapping meetings last week we all shared personal talents and skills that felt we could teach others. As a result of this Mrs Millett set up a Teach Me Tuesday timetable. Today we had our first session. 

Brydie started by teaching us how to draw cartoons. She showed us how to draw expressions on differnet cartoon faces and also showed us how to draw some well known cartoons too. We had fun drawing our own cartoons!

 Next, Levi shared with us his passion-basket ball! He began by explaing a few basic rules and then we did a dribbling drill. Next he organised us into two teams and we had a game. 

Both of our teachers did a really great job teaching us. They were patient and explained everything slowly and carefully. They were also really well organised with all equipment that they needed.

It was a great first "Teach me Tuesday" ~ We can't wait to see what we learn next time!


  1. It was really fun. I can't wait to do mine.

  2. I remember that! So much fun:) Brydie kept on doing an american accent!:P I felt like I was at home once again:)


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