Last week we had a lot of fun discovering about structures and foundations by experimenting. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon we went from class to class trying a range of forces and building challenges. In Room 13 we had to build towers using playing cards and paper cups. We made a lot of interesting discoveries during our building and experimenting. These are some of them:
If you put more weight on cards they don’t fall over
If you put more weight on cards they don’t fall over
Card towers are easier to build on carpet rather than tables because there’s more friction on the carpet
Triangles are the best shape for card towers
Stacking cups end to end is a strong shape
Having a strong foundation is important (3 or 4 cups on base)
Putting a half cup over another inverted cup makes it stable.
Build out of the wind
Indenting the top of the card makes it stronger
The older the card, the more friction (grip power)
Looks like you had great fun experimenting with different building techniques. And some good conclusions were made too, well done! By Sean, Bella's dad. 😄