
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Our enclosure design process

This term we have been learning about the design process. Our learning began with the trip to the zoo where we explored the specifically designed animal enclosures and noticed the considerations needed. We discovered that an enclosure needs to consider three main parties:

  • the animal (of course)
  • the public
  • and the zoo staff
We also learnt that a modern zoo enclosure has to look naturalistic and try to replicate the natural environment of the animal, using planting and features that would be found in their natural habitats. They also needed to have enrichment activities for the animal so that it can continue to demonstrate its natural behaviours.

Our enclosures had specific success criteria:
  • to have a private areas for the animal
  • to have playing area for animal 
  • to include enrichment activities for the animal
  • to include public viewing areas
  • to include barriers/boundary fencing (that may be disguised with planting)
  • to include planting and natural features
We had heaps of fun creating our enclosures. Here are some photos of our finished designs.


  1. they are so cool !!! BY AMY!!!

  2. Making the enclosure is fun!


  3. Wow Room 13 you have done a great job creating your animal enclosures! I like that you thought about having a private space for them as well as a space for the public to view them. I'm impressed with all the materials you used to create the enclosures. I'm sure the animals you designed them for would be happy to live there. How did you decide what enrichment to give your animals? It was wonderful having you at the zoo and I can tell that you learnt a lot.



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