Last week (Week 2) was Maori Language week, (Te wiki o te reo maori). As part of our learning we all answered the question, Why is it important to learn about other cultures and languages? Here are two of our responses.
Learning about other cultures and languages is not only important, but it is respectful. Other cultures have different ways of celebrating exciting parts of the year, and if we respect that then we are making the people feel welcome.
It is especially important to respect your own culture, because your own culture is important to you and your parents too. Culture and languages go back many years, and differnet cultures rely on you to keep the traditions going. Some cultures have special religious beliefs, and others have special celebrations.
In conclusion, it is definately important to respect and learn about other cultures and languages because it can help you to understand others' traditions.
By Brydie Q
It is important to learn about other cultures and languages because it is very respectful to the country and culture you are learning about. It is good to learn about other languages because when you go somewhere you know how to speak the people's language.
It is good to learn about other cultures because then you know what the people usually do, and you can see how they do things differently, or in the same way. Learning about different cultures can change your way of doing things and can help you understand people better.

Now that you have finished reading this you should know why learn out cultures and languages is important.
Well done on the writing it was very interesting I agree with you both. B