
Monday, August 24, 2015

Teach me Tuesday - Week 6!

It was Teach me Tuesday again today. We really enjoyed both of our lessons. First up, Feifei and Jennifer taught us how to make origami folding heart boxes. They did a really great job explaining the procedure to us, and were really patient when we needed help too!

Here's the instructions of how to make a heart box.
Start on blank side
  1. Fold squared paper in half horizontally and then diagonally.
  2. Fold all corners into the centre point
  3. Open up and flip over
  4. Fold one corner into the first crease and repeat on the opposite side
  5. Fold again to the next crease and repeat on the opposite side
  6. Fold again on both sides
  7. Rotate 90 degrees. Take one flap and align it with the centre crase. Repeat on the other side.
  8. Flatten it down. Take the triangles and bring it to the middle. Repeat on the other side.
  9. Fold the top point into the centre and fold the flap in 1/2.
  10. Repeat instructions 7-10 on the other side
  11. Now it should be able to open up
  12. Then fold the top flaps into a heart shape (optional)
  13. You are finished!
Next we had a chocolate chip cookie making lesson with Leanne. We all participated to make a cookie dough, and then enjoyed eating delicious warm cookies. 
Thanks Leanne!

If you would like to make the cookies at home here's the recipe.
Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookies

  • 1 cup (softened butter)    
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 cup chocolate chips
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • ½ cup white sugar
  • 2 cup flour


  1. Put the butter in a bowl and add the white sugar
and brown sugar then mix with a mixer.

2. Break in the 2 eggs. Make sure there's no shells in it.

3. Add the vanilla and then mix with the mixer.

4. Mix flour,salt and baking powder in another bowl.

5. Pour dry ingredients into mixture.

6. Use a spoon to scrape around the edges
7. Pour in the chocolate chips. Mix with a spatula
8. Roll into balls. Place on oven trays.
9. Bake for 10 mins at 190 degrees.
When they are done let them cool down for some time.

Friday, August 21, 2015

AJHS Spell it Out! competition

On Tuesday eight Year 6 super spellers from UHPS competed in the annual AJHS "Spell it Out!" spelling bee. The team consisited of boys and girls from each Year 5/6 class. They were joined by several other local schools inclusing Albany primary, Whangaparoa primary, Glenfield primary, Greenhithe primary and Oteha Valley primary schools. 
In the first round  of the competition the teams had to spell words in categories ranging from "Dog Breeds" to "homonyms". In the second round a group of 24 competed against each other by spelling individual words. It was pretty daunting and each student did really well!
Here are photos from the event. Well done to our 2015 UHPS spelling team: Caiden, Xavier R, Brianna, Levi, Xavier G, Leo, Zaayah and Marina!

Friday, August 14, 2015

And the winner is....

Yesterday Mrs Millett and Mr Millett went to government house in Wellington (where the Govenor General lives!) to take part in the NZ Book Awards. 

Peter's book "The Anzac Puppy" had been nominated by kids all around New Zealand for "Picture book of the year!" 
When it came to the Children's choice- Picture book section Mrs Millett sat with baited breath, and then the announcer said... and the winner is... Peter Millett! 

Thanks to all children and families who supported Peter and his books this year! Very exciting! 

Here are the winners of all catergories in the NZ Book awards this year.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Another cultural experience for Teach me Tuesday!

We had another great teach me Tuesday today. Both Seraphima and Madison taught us about a special aspect of their cultures. First up was Madison. She showed us a rhinoceros made out beads and wire. Next we had the challenge to make our very own key chain or paper clip bead art. It was quite difficult and challenging, but they looked great!

Next we had lesson from Seraphima about the ancient egyptian mumification process. She also showed us a video to illustrate the process further. Then the fun began. We were all given a roll of toilet paper and we had to mumify one of our classmates. It was hilarious! Here are some photos showing our cultural experiences. Thanks Seraphima and Madison!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Why is it important to learn about other cultures and languages?

Last week (Week 2) was Maori Language week, (Te wiki o te reo maori). As part of our learning we all answered the question, Why is it important to learn about other cultures and languages? Here are two of our responses. 

Learning about other cultures and languages is not only important, but it is respectful. Other cultures have different ways of celebrating exciting parts of the year, and if we respect that then we are making the people feel welcome.

It is especially important to respect your own culture, because your own culture is important to you and your parents too. Culture and languages go back many years, and differnet cultures rely on you to keep the traditions going. Some cultures have special religious beliefs, and others have special celebrations. 

In conclusion, it is definately important to respect and learn about other cultures and languages because it can help you to understand others' traditions.

By Brydie Q

It is important to learn about other cultures and languages because it is very respectful to the country and culture you are learning about. It is good to learn about other languages because when you go somewhere you know how to speak the people's language. 

It is good to learn about other cultures because then you know what the people usually do, and you can see how they do things differently, or in the same way. Learning about different cultures can change your way of doing things and can help you understand people better.

Now that you have finished reading this you should know why learn out cultures and languages is important.

Johnny Danger Trailer

Johnny Danger 2 trailer

Johnny Danger 3 release video

Peter Millett on WBTV

Peter Millett on Studio 3

Another pep talk from Kid president.

Kid president- 20 things you should say!