
Sunday, July 26, 2015

Paper plane design

Today we had a paper plane design challenge.

Each team had to build 2 different types of paper airplanes. One paper airplane had to be designed to fly as far as possible. The other airplane needed to stay in the air as long possible.

For the distance category, each team threw paper planes while we recorded with chalk the furtherest distance out of 3 chances. 

For the time in air category, each team threw their paper plane while Mrs Millett timed the flights.

All teams did a great job with their designs, making modifications to improve the speed and aerodynamics of their planes. 

The winning paper plane in the distance category was Brydie's team including herself, Eddy, Eliot and Felicia.
The winning paper plane for time in the air category was Leanne's team including herself, Beau and Amy!! Well done designers!

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