
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Uptown funk fun!

We had such a blast at school this afternoon. We were very lucky to have our very own music lesson with a music teacher called Aston. 

She brought a large selection of musical instruments with her and we tried our hand at playing them, (many of which we had never played before). 

We played our instruments along to one of our favourite songs- Uptown Funk!

Here's some photos of us playing the instruments. 
Thanks Aston! It was so funky!


  1. HI Room 13
    THAT LOOKS AWESOME! We are really looking forward to doing this next week. Thanks Mrs Lionheart for organising this. I bet you played the song really well.
    From Eden, Bella, and Room 16

  2. I loved playing with the musical instruments!I didn't even know that you could play uptown funk on the piano.

    From Feifei :-)

  3. Hi Room 13!

    It is great to see you playing musical instruments. It looks like you had a lot of fun.


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