
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Peace Week thinking

This week our thinking question was: "Where can you find peace?" These are some of our ideas.

Where can you find peace? By Neha C
Peace, peace can be anywhere depending on     
the person himself. If he is a old man who would prefer to curl up on the sofa and eat cookies while drinking hot cocoa and reading a book near the fireplace.
Sometimes for a mother all she wants to do is get away from her naughty children and just going on holiday for once. However, Sometimes for a mother it can be peaceful to just spend time with her children.
Also for a kid peace can be found in not peaceful things like the most  scariest roller coaster. It might unpleasant to adults but kids you never know what's going on in their heads like for me I would ride a roller coaster while drinking strawberry milkshake.

Where can you find peace? by Annie Z
Peace can mean different things to different situations around the world. To me peace is very important because peace is being happy, having no problems or difficult situations or fights. 
In New Zealand it is a very peaceful place, so "peace" can be found here. Peace means not noisy, and peace in families, e.g. no divorce, work and problems with friends, rules and government organisations. In other countries "peace" means no war and less strict rules. 
So as you can see peace means different things in different situations.

Where can you find peace? by Tamzin H
Peace can be found in many places. To me peace can be found on a quiet beach, but some people find peace in other places like in a quiet room or with their family. Other people find peace with nature. Some people find peace on a tropical island like Hawaii. Some people find peace on road trips or on a plane. You can also find peace snorkelling or fishing another place. You can find peace going on a relaxing holiday.

Where can you find peace? by Lukas M
Peace can be found in many places. It can be found in lonely places like if your'e in a bed and you're reading a book quietly with your room locked so you're completely by yourself. 
You can also find peace on your boat by yourself and you're enjoying the view of the golden sand and sea.


  1. They are some very good pieces of writing. well done Neha its thinking outside the box, strawberry milkshake yum. Nice work Lukas its well written. I feel the same Tamzin relaxing holiday, just wonderful. your right Annie New Zealand is a peaceful place.

  2. All of those places are very peaceful. Some of that writing makes me want to go to that place. Grace

  3. nice writing Neha, Annie, Tamzin and Lukas Dan t

  4. Good thinking Neha, Lukas, Tamzin and Annie. Gina

  5. Great thinking Annie, Lukas, Neha, and Tamzin.
    From Marina

  6. peace is a wonderful thing it can anything from Neha

  7. Wow those are some amazing peace poems Annie Lukas Neha and Tamzin.Robyn

  8. I do agree with you Neha peace is trying to get away from your children and go away on a holiday I wish I could but I cant
    from Neha's mum


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