
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Welcome back to Term 3!

Room 13 has had a great start back to school this term. 

Our new school wide concept: Patterns, has given us several opportunities to create beautiful patterned art pieces. 

We have made beautiful kowhai-whai patterned, pou panels to decorate the classroom and hall as part of our Maori language week activities. 

Our term focus for writing is Narrative writing, and we have already written two descriptive stories. We are looking forward to having Mr Millett tutoring us more with our story writing.

Our Term 3 Numeracy learning has also begun, and we have started investigating fractional numbers.

A highlight of our first week was starting our hessian sewing projects. We are working in buddy pairs (from Room 16 and 15) to create patterned samplers using a range of embroidery stitches. Here are some photos of a few of us sewing with our buddies.

It looks like we have a great term of learning to look forward to!


  1. The sewing is so fun.
    From Marina

  2. I am up to the chain stich.
    From Marina

  3. Hi Room 13
    We have also had a great time learning to stitch. We are looking forward to learning more about sewing because it is so much fun. Thanks to our big buddies in Room 13 and 15 for helping us.
    From William, Amber, Ayla and Room 16

  4. i really like sewing

  5. Thanks Mrs Millett for teaching us all those stitches.
    From Nicole

  6. I canot wait untill we do more sewing Robyn

  7. the sewing was awesome when we did all the patterns neha

  8. robyns cupcakes were awesome from neha

  9. Wow, those cupcakes look soooooo divine, and I loved all of your costumes for the book parade, great job guys. :)

    Cassady Glasgow :)

  10. Thank you Mrs Millett for teaching us all those stiches. I am really enjoying myself.
    From Marina


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