Alexander T Wolf Is Not Guilty. By Sherise N
Alexander T Wolf is not guilty because you haven’t even heard his side. How could you believe or have heard the pigs story if they're dead and Alexander didn’t kill them thats all wrong- HE WAS FRAMED!!! He sneezed, their houses fell down and they died. So he ate them. My point is the wolf didn’t want to waste a good dinner. Also, it's not his fault that he eats meat, he’s a carnivore and if you eat ham shouldn’t you be considered bid and bad too. Another point is that the police were pigs and so of course they’d favour the pigs side.
My first reason why Alexander shouldn’t go to jail is that we all know what kind of diet wolves have. It’s not their fault that they eat cute little things like bunnies, pigs, puppies, kittens. I mean if cheeseburgers were alive and cute you would be big and bad. If you think of it that way it makes you feel bad (Just like Alexander here). Also if everyone started saying look it’s the big bad human you would feel bad right? Thats one reason why Alexander should not be put in jail.
Some believe that Alexander here is a big bad wolf but the story I’m about to tell you proves them wrong. Now, Firstly the whole thing was about a cup of sugar and Alexander' s granny. You see Alexander was making a birthday cake for his granny when he ran out of sugar,(and had a really bad cold) so he went to the first pigs house and knocked on the door, (and yes he didn’t want to be rude so he knocked) and well the whole door fell right in. It wasn’t Alexanders fault the door feel in, the house was made of straw. So Alexander was about to leave but he felt a sneeze coming on and sneezed a big sneeze and you know what the whole straw house fell in and guess what right in the middle was the first pig HE WAS HOME THE WHOLE TIME!!! so Alexander couldn’t waste a good dinner (and he was dead as a door knob) so he ate the little porker, the same thing happened at the second pigs house. Those pigs are real porkers!!!!! Now they should be the ones in jail!!!!
Now in my opinion you shouldn’t put Alexander in jail because now as you can see Alexander is a very kind, polite, peaceful and someone who really really really loves his granny. Therefore Alexander would do anything to help his granny or in this case do anything (kill) to someone who insults his dear old (very old) granny. So now Alexander still needed a cup of sugar so of course Alexander went to the third pigs house. Now, it took Alexander a long time to get to the third pigs house because he had two helpings of raw pork so Alexander eventually got there puffed and out of breath. He knocked on the door and tried to say loudly (but failed miserably) little pig (taking a big breath) are you in, well the violent little guy say BUZZ OFF and well that pig had no manners whatsoever. Next he screamed at the top of his piggy lungs AND YOUR GRANDMA CAN SIT ON A PIN!!!! Now that made Alexander mad, so by the time the police and reporters (which were all pigs) Alexanders was making a big fuss for them to see. So the police (pigs) thought that the cup of sugar story was boring and made up the big bad wolf thing. Thats another reason why Alexander should not go to jail.
Now for these three reasons I have given you, you shouldn’t put Alexander in jail because the whole BIG BAD WOLF stuff is fake. I declare that my client should be free and claimed NOT GUILTY. One more reason why Alexander should not go to jail he Alexander t wolf did not do anything wrong.
Alexander T wolf is innocent! By Vasti V
Alexander T. Wolf is not guilty. I will prove that the wolf is innocent . There is no more time to waste let’s get on to it .
The wolf is not guilty because he didn’t have a motive to eat those pigs. You can’t blame him just because he is a carnivore, look at these humans they eat animals. Why don’t you put them in jail?
Secondly, all the wolf wanted was a cup of sugar so he could make a cake for his grandma. He went for a walk and saw some houses and remember he only wanted a cup of sugar. He walked up to the first house. Also he had a cold. The first house was made out of straw. The minute he knocked on the door it fell in -he asked is anybody home?. And he felt a sneeze come on. The sneeze came closer and closer and that sneeze came flying out of the nose. The house fell in just as the door did. He saw a perfect little pig just lying there. He did not waste the perfect ham dinner, no he ate it. Is that so bad?
The wolf is not guilty because that’s what he did with all the the other pigs too. He did not have a plan behind it so he should not go to jail.
In conclusion, here are the facts:
- The wolf only wanted a cup of sugar.
- He is a carnivore and you can’t expect him to eat plants.
3. The house where poorly built and the pigs were already dead when he ate them.
The Big bad wolf is not guilty and he should not go to jail.
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