This week we have been studying about the historical significance of Anzac Day to NZ. We read a famous poem called Flanders Fields written by a Canadian lieutenant, John McCrae.
In Flanders Fields
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Lt Col John McCrae (1872–1918)
We also drew these poppies using chalk and oil pastel.
Last week Room 20 had a fun toffee and easter egg experience. We paired up and took the roll of a controller where we directed our partner to eat the lolly or chocolate egg. We were able to stop our partner at any point in order to take detailed notes about the lolly or egg eating event. Here are some recounts about the event.
The Mouth watering lolly. By Lauren T

"Go!" I directed Tyler. She carefully twisted the wrapper off the creamy delicious Macintosh. She grasped the lolly in her hand and precisely brought it to her watering mouth. She was just about to pop it in then, "STOP!" I ordered Tyler.
As she had the toffee pinched in her hand the syrupy lolly started to melt into her fingerprints. "Go!" I chuckled.
She inserted the caramel lolly into her mouth. She chewed the sweet as it molded into her teeth shape. As Tyler chewed, it got smaller and smaller.
Eventually the delicious treat was miniscule so Tyler took a final gulp and the lolly was gone.
Death for the Lolly. By Jack Cr
"Go Mitchell!" I told him. Mitchell's hand rushed to the lolly sitting next to him. His index finger and thumb carefully pinched the two ends of the Macintosh treat like a crab. He twisted the lolly wrapper as fast as a tornado going round and round. "Stop!" I shouted. Mitchell froze and the lolly started to fall out, bit by bit.
When I released him from the frozen state he grabbed the treat and threw the wrapper over his head while sinking his teeth into the the toffee like a vampire seeking blood. Slowly he ripped it in half and sucked on it. It was in his mouth and his eyes were transfixed on the yummy treat.
After he swallowed he closed his eyes and went into his own little land and hummed.
"Gooey, gloop, Pop!" By Brandon
Sherrp, twist, twist! went Jack's lolly. "Stop!" I demanded in an angry voice.
"No...why didn't I eat the chewy lolly!" cried Jack.
"Sorry, but we have to." I explained. "Go!" I commanded.
Chew, chew.."Stop!" I said again.
"Not again! whined Jack. "My mouth is literally watering."
"Mine is too," I said with a glint in my eye, "but it's fun!" Then I let Jack eat his lolly.
"Yay!" said Jack gratefully. "That was awesome!"
"So was it good?" I inquired.